
Shazam for Bats & Birds - A realtime acoustic birds and bats classification systems built on the TFLite version of BirdNet.

View the Project on GitHub audevuilli/Shazam4BB


Shazam for Bats & Birds - A realtime acoustic birds and bats classification systems built on the TFLite version of BirdNet.

Vision Statement

Shazam4BB (Shazam for Bats & Birds) is aimed at ecologists and nature-lover communities. This project facilitates the adoption of technology to monitor the calls of birds and bats and learn about the different species populated a local area. It provides easy-to-follow documentation to build and install the device as well as to visualise in real-time bats and birds calls. This project hopes to gain better understanding of how birds and bats species are distributed and adapted to various environment.

Minimal Viable Project

Shazam4BB is a DIY birds and bats species audio classification device, which consists of both hardware (microphone, single-board computer) and software (classificaiton algorithm and web server). To make it viable, it has to implement a local bats or birds species algorithm, have an internet connection and save results into a web database.

  1. Process: Audio recording. Microphone. Single-board computer with Audio Input
  2. Analysis: Audio analysis. DL Algorithm to identify species in spectrogram.
  3. Visualisation: Audio resutls. Save result in database.
  4. Components: Microphone, Computer Processing Unit (CPU, GPU), Power module, Communication (Wifi, LoRa) Module

Shazam4BB is a on-going project. It evolves along the Open Hardware Makers (OHM) programme. The aim of this project is to improve the technical capability of the 4 years old “Shazam for Bats” project.


The team behind this project is composed of PhD Students, Professors, and Practitioners in the field of ecology and engineering based at the Connected Environments Lab at The Bartlett CASA, at the People and Nature Lab at the Centre for Biodvierstiy and Environment Research CBER at UCL.

Specific Goals

There are similar open-hardware projects outhere that monitor and classify birds or bats in real-time. The project is specific for the following reasons:

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