Food Data Science

The Guardian Recipes

This project explores over 7,000 food recipes published in The Guardian newspaper from 2009 to 2019. I published a blog post series to discuss the results of the exploratory data analysis (part I) and the topic modelling (part II). I employed web scraping, text mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to provide insight into the rise and decline of food ingredients, culinary trends and influential chefs.

Veganuary 2019

Veganuary is a campaign organized by the UK charity, Veganuary, who encourages people to try a vegan diet (eating only plant-based foods) for the month of January. With international participation, it's give a great opportunity to discover new food trends. Read my article where I analysed more than 20,000 tweets for Veganuary 2019.

Pancake Day 2019

Pancake Day is celebrated by eating pancakes and thus, is a day of pleasure, joy, and baking, and gives a perfect occasion for everyone to get active on social media. Find more about the content of 70,000 tweets by reading my blogpost.

Oxford Farming Conference

Each January, the Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) and the youngest Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) took place. Farmers, politicians and scientists meet to discuss the future of the British agriculture and food sector. This blogpost wrap-up the debates that happened during both conferences by analysing more than 3,500 tweets using machine learning techniques.

A Personal Journey

Cities and Food are both fascinating systems. They are part of our culture, provide us with energy, encourage social connection and our creativity. They are systems of actors, systems of infrastructures, systems of economic interactions. All this complexity attracts me. Food Cities, a journey between ETH Zurich and The Bartlett, UCL tell you about my personal journey from food science to urban analytics. In this blogpost, I share my personal course and why I think food urban data scientist are needed.

DIY Electronics

LED Glowing Glasses

In this video I show you how to make some funky flashy LED glasses. You will learn how to use an Adafruit Trinket and two NeoPixel rings to have the most beautiful party accessory. Enjoy watching!

An IoT Halloween Pumpkin

Have you ever wanted to have a smart Halloween pumpkin? This tutorial explains you how to use an Arduino MKR1000 and how to create a simple mobile app to change the colour of your Halloween pumpkin lights using your smartphone. Enjoy watching and wish you fun making your own one!

London, England